Pause - Allotment Will Load Shortly

Pause - Allotment Will Load Shortly
My 'Animal Crossing' Weeds - also known as Purple Dead Nettle

Because life does not stop when you are on the allotment waiting list we spent the first week of February on holiday. I had to remind my dad that despite his position as keyholder and helper-in-chief I didn’t expect or really even want him to make any progress while I am away. He has already moved some rubbish and the remnants of a tree for which I am super grateful - and maybe I am making my own life harder, but I don't want to miss out on the transformation. I want to get muddy and be right at the heart of the process. I think I’d feel seen off if I returned to change and progress, even if that sets us back a couple of weeks.

It is only February, so although delay might start eating into early planting time I am not too concerned. I am quite content with buying some plug plants this year rather than trying to get everything done from seed. It all needs to be a balance of cost, energy and practicality.

In the meantime I have been listening to Two Girls One Plot. Their early episodes starting out on their allotment in 2024 had me giggling on what was a pretty long minibus ride. Although I am enjoying it, I am trying to listen roughly week to week, so that I am a year behind. Join me at the beginning with Two Girls One Plot here, unless you have already found them. Be warned though, they can be a bit sweary!

I also found Sarah Raven's - Grow, Cook, Eat, Arrange. I have been listening to these as they come out and also dipping into older episodes when the title lures me in. I have watched how to build a cattle panel trellis for squash and prevented myself from getting tooooooo carried away. That said, if I am allowed a small pond I have secured a liner. And I have decided I need to make some hedgehog holes in the fence. Oh… I have been stalking Facebook marketplace too!