Weeds and Potential

Weeds and Potential
Close up of my weeds.

the plot has potential, and weeds. Lots and lots of weeds. It has good access to water; a waterbutt, a composter (or 2), a flattish gravel area for a greenhouse or shed, and weeds. Oh, I already said weeds. There are two trees, one is a plum, and the other is a mystery. The plot appears roughly square and about 8.5 x 8.5 meters. It is one third of a much larger former plot. There is a real mix of plot sizes but, for the most part, when big spaces become available the council parcel them up into smaller, more manageable spaces like mine. There are just 74 other plots keeping me company.

Hours spent at the allotment: 1

Money spent: still £0 for now

Mood Word: Eek

Plot 30C 'Before'

I remembered most of my pre-visit list and found out the following:

Water - good access to water, the close-to-the-plot water is turned off over winter, but there is still water connected to the 'clubhouse' all year.

Soil - seems good, full of life (weeds) but does not appear totally overgrown. Was damp but not waterlogged.

Frost - I was pleased to see that although there had been a bit of frost at home in the morning the allotment did not appear to have any.

Structures - there are a few beds visible, I wouldn't say they are raised as such, but they are edged with wood. Does not look like there is much left in there fruit or veg wise, but I think this area will be given over to fruit; perhaps the square beds will be good for strawberries. Maybe there are some things hiding in that area, perhaps fruit bushes that I can't see for all the tree trimmings everywhere.

Some hidden beds under the weeds and tree trimmings

Light - The allotment association have been into the plot to trim a large overhanging tree and the plum tree. I think that the back of the plot at least will be quite shaded and the plum tree which is pretty central might also create some significant shade depending on its size. We will have to see. Another thing to think about will be all the autumn leaves from the adjacent trees - they will need to be kept tidy, but leaves = leaf mould so it is not a total negative.

Pests - There is a bit of a rat problem at the moment, but the council and the allotment association are aware of the issue. Will have to see what that means.

Keys - I can get two at £8 each.

Shop - Well stocked, right by my plot and good prices.

Huts - Brick built sheds are available to rent - seems that the council may have lost track of which are and are not in use at the moment, but it will give me handy storage without taking up growing space with a shed. We'll see what I decide, it is something else to spend money on.

Kitchen etc - by joining the allotment association I will gain access to tea and coffee making supplies and a nice cosy clubhouse room to keep warm while you stop for a break.

To-do list

  • Join allotment Facebook Page
  • Email Council to accept plot
  • Join allotment association
  • Find a greenhouse and maybe a small shed
  • Get planning

What am I missing from my to-do list?

Where would you start?